Will there be a return on investment in a foam recycling equipment machine?

Foam is a material that is widely used in life. It is often used in packaging, building materials, containers and other industries. This material is popular because of its high temperature resistance, shock resistance and other protective advantages. If foam is not disposed of properly. It can cause fires or pollute the environment such as the sea, air and land. It is gratifying to know that when the air is squeezed out of the foam, it is 100% recoverable. This is where the very specialized GREENMAX foam recycling equipment can be used. 


Will there be a return on investment in a foam recycling equipment machine? of course it will. The blocks or ingots formed from the waste foam after processing by foam recycling equipment are the raw material for making PS particles. PS particles can be made into beautiful photo frames, skirting and other framing products. These products will be sold in return for a sum of money.


GREENMAX partners with a California-based company, White Glove Logistic, that supplies GE with household appliances, delivering about 500 items per day per location. They therefore use a lot of foam packaging for different appliances. at the end of 2014, the company converted the discarded foams into profitable revenue through four foam densifiers. Since using the GREENMAX recycling machine, the company has saved hundreds of tons of non-biodegradable waste polystyrene foam packaging from landfills, demonstrating great responsibility for the environment and reaping the benefits!

Turning waste foam into treasure is a great thing to do. If you are an individual who wants to dispose of the waste foam, you can give the waste foam to a local recycler. If you are a business and have a large amount of waste foam, you can consider buying a foam recycling equipment. Not only can you make a quick return on your money, but you can also get a long term return on your money.

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