What types of businesses need to use EPS Compactors?

There are many types of businesses that use compactors. Below is a list of
some notable industries that use EPS compactors.


The warehouse will
generate a lot of EPS waste accumulation. Therefore EPS Compactor equipment
is therefore a wise investment for warehouses.

2.Manufacturing facility

The industrial waste produced is similar to that produced by warehouses.
However, it is on a much larger scale. Therefore, it is one of the leading
companies in the use of EPS


Food preparation ingredients and products are packaged
in cardboard boxes. For busy businesses like restaurants, it’s impractical to
fold and keep every box. A Compactor can significantly help shrink and store
these boxes instantly.


Food preparation ingredients and products are packaged
in cardboard boxes. For busy businesses like restaurants, it’s impractical to
fold and keep every box. A Compactor can significantly help shrink and store
these boxes instantly.


Hotels have a wider range of Compactor uses. Their rooms and kitchens
generate huge amounts of recyclable waste every day. Waste management through EPS compactor can save
the hospitality industry a lot of money and time.

6.Distribution Center

Here, a lot of
cardboard goes into the trash every day. Not recycling is not environmentally
friendly. Therefore, the recycling of EPS compactor is a boon for their waste

7.Distribution Center

Here, a lot of cardboard goes into the trash every
day. Not recycling is not environmentally friendly. Therefore, the recycling of
EPS compactor is a
boon for their waste management

8.Garden Centre 

Garden centers use a lot of plastic to wrap plants, fertilizers and soil.
These centers can manage acres of waste streams by using EPS compactor to create
stackable and easy-to-dispose cubes.

9.Recycling Center 

These centers
collect trash from everywhere. Without the use of compactor  to manage all the collected waste, it would be
a logistical nightmare. Larger recycling centers require more than one Compactor
unit. It would be best if one of them was an industrial EPS recycling machine.

Management Company

All major
commercial establishments use Compactors for waste management. It also saves
money, time, energy and the environment. INTCO has provided installation and
support services for industrial Compactors and other waste recycling equipment in the United States since 1993

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