Styrofoam recycling value? GREENMAX completes breakthrough in Styrofoam recycling machine

Among Styrofoam recycling, EPS recycling
has always been a popular option because Styrofoam is widely used and it is one
of the earliest types of foam to be recycled. Styrofoam is one of the most
contentious materials when it comes to recycling. The material itself is mainly
composed of air, is versatile, can effectively reduce product damage, and is
inexpensive. But these same properties make recycling expensive because it
takes up a lot of space.

Styrofoam Package

 Also, being lightweight, it can
easily be washed away by wind or water, which adds to the problem of ocean
plastics. It has been banned in more than 100 cities in more than a dozen U.S.
states. Now more national governments have come forward to have clearer
regulations and stricter penalty systems for Styrofoam recycling, which also
makes businesses involved in Styrofoam have to start paying attention to Styrofoam

However, judging from the existing
recycling data, the Styrofoam recycling rate is increasing year by year,
because more and more recycling manufacturers such as Intco Recycling provide
more and better Styrofoam compactors, allowing more Many practitioners have
easier recycling options, which is one of the reasons for the increase in Styrofoam
recycling rates.

greenmax Styrofoam compactor

To this day, Styrofoam remains one of the
most versatile and cost-effective materials for packaging and
building/construction applications due to its advantages in product,
performance and recycling. Although many large companies, including IKEA,
McDonald’s, etc., have begun to look for products that can replace Styrofoam,
they are only groping.

Faced with the status quo that we cannot
completely strip and use Styrofoam, we can only start from recycling. From the
first styrofoam recycling machine, Intco Recycling has the ability to design
and produce customized cleaning line products for customers. We have learned
and made breakthroughs all the way. I believe that in the near future, we will
have more diversified product output, and hope to help many companies in more
industries to complete the transformation of foam recycling.

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