Polystyrene recycling has become much easier with the application of Styrofoam densifier

Last weekend, the inaugural PlanetCon recycling event was hold in Washington County, and it has attracted more than 240 people. Polystyrene is also included in the list of recycling.


As we know, China has been the world’s leading buyer of polystyrene for a long term, often using it in its manufacturing. However, after the Chinese government announced it would stop buying the product due to health concerns last year , many recycling companies were left with no place to send their collected foams.

The ban in China has caused a series of circumstances, Hillsboro’s Far West Recycling plant stopped accepting the items, so as the most other recyclers in the U.S.

food container ban

“That means we have no place to take or send all the plastics we create every day,” Sommer said.

In this case, we have to develop our own polystyrene recycling market. We need to have facilities here that handle the waste polystyrene. There are more and more events and programs for polystyrene recycling, which has improved the recycling awareness of us. At the same time, the equipments for polystyrene recycling turn out to be more important.

Some of the manufacturers are trying to find an effective foam recycling machines to make recycling easier. As GREENMAX Styrofoam densifier has been adopted by some companies, this situation has greatly improved. This kind of machine has the function of crushing, melting and extruding. So that the compacted polystyrene blocks are easy to transport and recycle.


Now more and more recyclers are willing to accept polystyrene waste, and the compacted foam blocks can be used to make new products, such as rulers and photo frames. It seems that polystyrene recycling has become much easier with the application of Styrofoam densifier.

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