Monroe is willing to start a foam recycling program with newly allotted funds

Monroe’s administration and representatives from DPW are considering using the newly allotted funds to purchase a cardboard compactor. In addition, they are willing to establish a recycling program for plastic foam, often referred to by the brand name Styrofoam, as is reported.

MONROE–the eighth largest city in the state of Louisiana. Based on its 2015 recycling performance, Monroe will receive the eighth largest grant in the state as part of New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection’s (DEP) annual initiative to enhance municipal recycling programs.


Monroe recycled 112,351 tons of materials in 2015, a sum that includes both residential and commercial components, according to information provided by the township. The most recent award, issued through the state’s Recycling Enhancement Act, amounted to $171,463 for Monroe. And the funds will bring great changes to Monroe’s recycling industry.

Since the late 1980s, in cooperation with the county and the state, Monroe has been a leader in waste recycling after the founding of the recycling Department.

foam can

“we are considering to buy a cardboard compactor, and also willing to establish a program for waste Styrofoam recycling,” Mayor Gerald W. Tamburro said in the statement. “I also appreciate our residents and businesses for their continued participation and for their dedication to green living.”

As the Styrofoam recycling program is on the way, an efficient recycling machine is necessary. And even WM, the largest US waste management company, has adopted a kind of Styrofoam compactor from GREENMAX to realize the volume reduction of their waste foam. During the 4 years of the machine’s operation, WM has recycled 2 million pounds of EPS waste in Fresno, helping the Fresno farms reduce 80% of EPS waste landfills and save costs about $200,000 in waste disposal.


Styrofoam recycling, this is one of the most basic actions we can take to promote sustainability and to have a positive impact on the environment, and is also the expectations of our generation. Monroe is doing this now.

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